

Identity Verification Software


Project Weeks


Main Technologies


People Involved


Supported Countries

hero rapidid
  • COUNTRY Australia

The Challenge

From startups to Fortune 500 companies, and from Fintech to Proptech including all the industries in between – modern businesses worldwide require efficient and secure real-time identity verification. This is exactly the challenge Australian-based  – RapidID is addressing by offering an integrated all-in-one platform for anti-fraud prevention for a digital world.


From the technical point of view, the biggest challenge was related to the fact that RapidID was to be a web application, not a native app. That meant the Team at Asper Brothers had to go the extra mile to make it efficient, functional, and scalable. Since the native app experience was a crucial goal to achieve, it required a special approach to make the frontend adaptable to various mobile devices.


Another technical challenge was concerning security – the data of each customer of the application had to be strictly isolated on the database level in order to meet highly demanding safety regulations. It all summed up to building an industry-leading fraud protection web tool, that has a native experience and is safe and reliable enough to ensure surpassing regulatory requirements oth the Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing Act (AML/CTF).

rapidID challange

How it Works

RapidID is a web application that comes with a native-like experience across all mobile devices. In fact, it is a complete, all-in-one verification suite with easy onboarding and superb customer support.


RapidID aims to aggregate leading customer verification technologies and methods and combines it with risk analysis monitoring features. It’s a range of products such as global ID verification, anti-money laundering with background checks for risk screening, biometric verification and document verification. The platform allows users to mix and match the products customers’ need via an integrated API.


As a gateway to a number of international Government Document Verification Services internationally, RapidID is built in a way that runs these checks in real-time against core sources in leveraging ISO certified protection methods and with military-level encryption.

rapidID how it works

Design & UX

The main goal of the design and UI used in the application was the clarity of functions and smooth transition of the user through the entire process in the software. The project was created in Adobe XD, which allows you to maintain a consistent design system across the application. Designers used a very clear “Reader” font. The illustrations are used to highlight a point in the process while using the application.


The color scheme used in shades of blue, which in this kind of application is supposed to emphasize trust and security of user data.

rapidID design

The Technology

In order to deliver the platform, a team of up to 8 Asper Brothers developers worked for 6 months. Our services covered development and testing. Python was used as a backend language, with HTML, CSS, and Javascript on the frontend. In detail, we leveraged Angular and Django REST frameworks. We used PostgreSQL to manage the database and Django-tenants to create applications based on its schemas. A number of APIs and integrations were involved, such as Truuth for OCR document reading, Ridx to verify personal data, or Google Maps to automatically suggest addresses in the app.


The main goal was to make the platform developer-friendly and a reliable, scalable, and secure tool that can be used by end-customers with only minor development work on their end, with easy setup and simplicity. At the same time, the platform is great at managing peaks in performance, having access to more than 100+ billion records from 180 countries in real-time.

rapidid technology

Tools and Technologies

We used these tools to complete this project

Mike Jackowski
Paul Jackowski


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