Deep Learning
Deep learning is one of the branches of artificial intelligence that is used in mechanisms related to self-learning applications based on large data clusters. In ASPER BROTHERS we work with AI and deep learning, writing about our experiences in working with companies from all over the world.
Sentiment Analysis in Python – Example with Code based on Hotel Review Dataset
Sentiment analysis is the way of identifying a sentiment of a text. In this case, sentiment is understood very broadly. It could be as simple as whether a text is positive or not, but it could also mean more nuanced emotions or attitudes of the author like anger, anxiety, or excitement. It's even po [...]
Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence – Will AI Ever Replace Human Creativity?
Though the visions sci-fi authors presented us with have yet to really come to fruition, there’s no denying one simple fact: AI is here, and it’s making a change. With more and more AI algorithms surfacing and revolutionizing the way we approach projects, there is one question that keeps popping [...]
AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning – Know the Difference
And what actually is AI or machine learning, or deep learning? In this article, I want to zoom in on the subject, and for a moment, I would like to play fortune teller and look into the future of these technologies. What is artificial intelligence, and how it works? Machine […]