application modernization services
Aleksander Furgal Published: 26 May 2023 12 min to read

Website Performance Audit: A Systematic Guide to Web Page Analysis

In a 2023 study, 43% of surveyed US small businesses reported keeping an on-going investment in their website performance, underscoring its importance for growth.

Through high website speed and seamless user experience, companies aim to increase user retention, amplify conversion rates, and rank higher in search.

The digital frontier is growing relentlessly. The stakes are high, and the battle for prominence is palpable.

Although currently only 18% of the Internet is actively maintained and visited, this statistic still translates to over 200 million websites fighting for user attention. And every second three more join.

Website speed optimization is really the best way to increase traffic. However, before embarking on performance tweaking, you must first analyze your website. There are two ways to go about it – you can either commission a professional website performance audit or, equipped with the right tools and strategies, carry it out yourself.

A website performance audit zeroes in on website speed, user experience, and overall website functionality. This article intends to offer a detailed understanding of what a website performance audit implies, why it’s indispensable, and how to conduct one competently.

What is a Website Performance Audit?

A website performance audit is an in-depth review designed to pinpoint areas needing improvement.

It involves examining and evaluating various components, including website speed, user experience, conversion rates, and technical aspects.

The goal of a website performance audit is to discern all obstacles impeding the website’s performance and offer actionable insights that will facilitate making adjustments.


Why bother with a Website Performance Audit?

Conducting a website performance audit can provide numerous benefits, such as enhancing user retention, optimizing conversion rates, and streamlining code.

# User retention

A high-performing website can to keep its users engaged. Users are more likely to revisit a website that is fast, easy to navigate, and insightful.

By identifying and fixing issues through performance analysis, you can significantly enhance your user retention. A website performance audit identifies potential issues that may frustrate users and lead to their high bounce rates.

By optimizing page load speed, streamlining navigation, and ensuring a seamless user experience, you can improve user retention, encourage return visits, and foster customer loyalty.


# Competitive advantage

A performance audit can also assist you in understanding how your website stacks up against your competitors.

Through acquiring valuable insight into the battlefield, a website performance audit identifies areas where optimization and improvement can help you gain a competitive edge and attract more visitors.

By consistently striving for superior performance, businesses can differentiate themselves in the crowded market and encourage clients to choose their website over the competitors’, foster their trust. and build a stronger reputation for your brand.


# Optimizing conversion

Conversions are the lifeblood of online businesses, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

By pinpointing issues that may be hindering users from completing desired actions, performance analysis can aid in optimizing your website’s conversion rates. A website performance audit allows you to analyze user flows, identify conversion bottlenecks, and optimize critical elements such as page load speed, checkout process, and calls-to-action.

By enhancing their knowledge of how to enhance the website’s ability to convert visitors into customers, you can maximize business revenue and boost user engagement.


# Early issue detection

A website performance audit can help detect issues before they morph into significant problems. Auditing can help you save time and resources in the long run by identifying performance issues, technical glitches, or compatibility problems before they escalate and impact the user experience.

Conducting regular audits acts as an early warning system for potential issues, which is especially important for cybersecurity. Identifying potential security loopholes, outdated software, or misconfigurations prevents compromising the website’s integrity. By safeguarding sensitive data and protecting the website from cyber threats, you can ensure a secure environment for both the website and its users,


# Increased scalability

As businesses grow, websites must be able to handle increased traffic and data loads.

A performance audit lets you assess the website’s architecture, code structure, and database performance. By identifying areas that may hinder scalability and making necessary adjustments, you can then ensure that the website can accommodate future growth, maintain performance under heavy loads, and provide a seamless experience for users.


# Redesign validation

If you’ve recently redesigned your website, performance analysis can help validate these changes and assess their effectiveness. It’s a proper way of confirming that the redesign hasn’t introduced any new issues and helped mend existing ones.

By conducting an audit in the follow-up to a redesign, auditors can measure its impact on performance, user experience, and conversion rates. This validation ensures that the redesign aligns with the intended goals and justifies the investment.


# SEO boosting

Website performance is a crucial factor in search engine optimization, and a performance audit will help you in amplifying your website’s visibility.

Search engines consider page load speed as a ranking signal, and a faster website has a higher chance of appearing at the top of search results. By identifying issues impeding your SEO, you can more effectively address performance-related factors that impact your organic traffic.


# Code streamlining

A website performance audit focuses on evaluating the website’s codebase and identifying areas that can be streamlined and optimized.

By removing redundant code, reducing file sizes, and improving code efficiency, you can elevate website performance, reduce load times, and create a more maintainable and scalable codebase that will surely pay off in the future.

At ASPER BROTHERS, our priority is to deliver exceptional digital experiences. When auditing our clients’ websites, we not only identify the areas for speed optimization, but also provide detailed recommendations on how to see it through. Our advice is to prioritize website speed above all else, as it directly impacts user satisfaction and conversion. Regular website performance auditing is the best way to stay ahead of the competition. Paul Jackowski CEO, ASPER BROTHERS Let's Talk


Key components of a Website Performance Audit

A website performance audit involves several key elements, each contributing to the website’s overall performance and user experience.

# Performance evaluation

Performance evaluation is a crucial part of the analysis. It involves evaluating the website’s user experience and its overall speed.

User experience

User experience (UX) encompasses all aspects of a user’s interaction with a website, including usability, accessibility, and visual design. UX is fundamental to a website’s success. A website offering a high-quality UX is straightforward to navigate, aesthetically pleasing, and useful to its users.

During the audit, the UX is evaluated to ensure it fulfills user demands and expectations. The first thing you want to consider is the clarity and simplicity of the website’s navigation system. Are menus well-organized and labeled appropriately? Is there a logical flow that guides users through the website’s content? Implementing a user-friendly navigation structure enhances UX and reduces bounce rates.

With the exponential growth of mobile browsing, it is also imperative to optimize websites for various devices and screen sizes. A responsive design ensures that content adapts seamlessly, providing an optimal viewing experience across different platforms.

Lastly, you should analyze the visual presentation of content, ensuring a clean and well-structured layout. Consider using white space effectively, employing clear typography, and prioritizing important information to improve readability and user engagement.

Total speed

A sluggish website offers subpar user experience and ranks poorly in search engines.  Therefore, evaluating the website’s total speed is an essential part of the performance auditing process.

You should consider reducing the number of HTTP requests by compressing files, such as CSS and JavaScript, together. Utilize CSS sprites to minimize image requests, resulting in faster page load times.

Implement browser caching to store static resources locally, enabling faster subsequent visits to the website. Leverage HTTP caching headers to specify appropriate cache durations for different file types.

Utilize a Content Delivery Network to distribute website assets across multiple servers, reducing the physical distance between users and content. This enables faster content delivery and improved user experience, particularly for geographically dispersed audiences.

Compress images without compromising visual quality by using appropriate image formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG, or WebP) and optimizing their sizes. Consider lazy loading images to improve initial page load times.


# Technical assessment

The technical assessment evaluates the website’s technical aspects, including its responsivity, error pages, and URLs.

Ensuring responsivity

A responsive website is one that adjusts its layout and elements to accommodate various screen sizes across all devices.

During a website performance audit, auditors verify page responsivity by identifying pages that do not render correctly on mobile devices or have layout issues.

A website performance audit recommends responsive design techniques to implement, such as fluid grids and media queries. Thanks to an audit, you can ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices, improving accessibility and user satisfaction.

Fixing error pages

Error pages can harm both a user’s experience and your SEO rankings.

During a website performance audit, programmers check for error pages that need fixing by examining the HTTP status codes returned by the server. They identify common error codes such as 404 (Not Found), 500 (Internal Server Error), and others.

Auditors verify whether error pages provide helpful information or redirect users to appropriate content.

Using the findings of an audit, you can enhance user experience, reduce bounce rates, and maintain a positive perception of the website.

Analyzing URLs

URLs are a crucial part of a website’s structure. They should be effortless to read and comprehend for users and crawlers alike.

A website performance audit involves analyzing the URLs to identify potential issues and optimize their delivery. This involves checking for unnecessary redirects, long and complex URLs, and the usage of non-essential parameters.

The audit inspects the website’s URLs to help you improve caching efficiency, reduce the potential for errors, and enhance the overall performance and user experience of the website.

Minimizing JavaScript

JavaScript can significantly impact a website’s speed and performance.

During a website performance audit, auditors examine the JavaScript files to identify opportunities for minimizing their size and optimizing their delivery. This involves reviewing the codebase and assessing if any unused or redundant scripts, functions, or libraries can be removed.

Following a website performance audit, you can minimize JavaScript to improve loading time  and provide a more efficient and responsive user experience.

Inlining CSS

Inlining, or embedding, CSS involves including the CSS directly in the HTML document, which can improve the website’s speed by lowering the number of HTTP requests.

During the audit, programmers examine the CSS files and assess whether certain styles can be inlined directly into the HTML markup, especially those required for the initial page load. They prioritize critical styles that impact the initial visual appearance of the webpage, ensuring a fast and seamless user experience. This approach eliminates the need for additional HTTP requests, leading to faster rendering and improved website performance.

Thanks to auditing, you can reduce the number of round trips required to fetch and process separate CSS files, resulting in quicker rendering and improved perceived performance.

Eliminating unnecessary resources

Checking for any unnecessarily loading resources is a critical aspect of a website performance audit.

Assessing whether any resources can be eliminated or optimized is crucial for performance. This evaluation involves examining code, images, and external dependencies to identify opportunities to reduce the number of requests made by the website, ultimately enhancing loading speed and improving overall performance.

During this part of the audit, auditors examine the website’s structure to identify redundant or unnecessary HTML markup (excessive div elements, unused classes or IDs, redundant JavaScript libraries and plugins) so that you can reduce the size of the webpage and decrease rendering time, leading to faster load times and a more responsive user experience.


# Conversion rates assessment

Conversion rates are a tangible indicator of a website’s effectiveness. A conversion can be any desired action a user performs on your website, like completing a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

Assessing conversion rates can help spot any barriers preventing users from performing these actions. To monitor and measure user interactions and conversions accurately, consider implementing tracking mechanisms, such as conversion pixels, tags, or event tracking. Analytics tools like Google Analytics can help you gather relevant data.

User experience plays a pivotal role in driving conversions. That’s why you should assess the website’s structure and navigation system to ensure that they facilitate user actions.

For instance, for e-commerce websites, it’s a good idea to minimize the number of steps and form fields during the checkout process. You can implement guest checkout options and provide progress indicators to enhance the overall user experience and reduce cart abandonment rates.


How to proceed with a Website Performance Audit?

Performing a website performance analysis involves several steps, including scanning your website with a site audit tool, identifying technical errors, and preparing a checklist of all issues and recommended fixes.

# Scan your website with a site auditing tool

There are several tools available for scanning your website and identifying the issues affecting its performance. This type of software provides a comprehensive overview of your website’s performance and highlights areas needing improvement.

When using site auditing tools, it’s important to understand the metrics they provide and the ways in which they correlate with your website’s performance.


# Consider commissioning an external website performance audit

While internal audits can prove beneficial, commissioning an external website performance audit can provide a fresh perspective.

External auditors can bring novel insights and expertise to improving your website’s performance. They can also offer a more objective and standardized assessment, free from any internal biases or preconceptions.


# Identify technical errors

Identifying technical errors is a vital part of the audit. These can include issues like broken links, error pages, and slow loading times. For example, broken links can lead to a poor user experience and negatively impact your SEO. Similarly, slow loading times can result in high bounce rates.


# Analyze the SEO

Analyzing your website’s SEO can help pinpoint any issues that may be impacting its visibility in search engine results. This can include aspects like meta tags, keyword usage, and backlinks.

For instance, meta tags should be relevant and descriptive in order to help search engines understand your content and increase your crawl budget.


# Examine your design and UX

The design and UX of your website can significantly affect its performance. Dissecting these aspects can help identify any problems that may be hindering user engagement and conversion rates.

For example, a website that is difficult to navigate can lead to user frustration and high bounce rates. Similarly, a visually unappealing website can fail to engage users.


# Prepare a checklist and recommend fixes

Once all the issues have been identified, prepare a comprehensive checklist. It should detail all the problems discovered during the auditing process and recommend solutions targeted for each. This list will serve as a roadmap for improving your website’s performance.

It’s important to prioritize the issues that impact your performance the most and assign them with an estimation of the resources required to fix them. This will be highly useful later when implementing your findings.


8 best tools for Website Performance Auditing

There are several tools available that can assist in conducting a website performance audit. Here are some of the best ones:

#1 Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is an open-source tool that can audit your website for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps, SEO, and more. It provides a detailed report with actionable recommendations for improvement.


#2 PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is another tool from Google that analyzes the content of a web page and generates suggestions to make it faster. It provides both mobile and desktop speed scores (called Core Web Vitals), along with optimization recommendations.


#3 Chrome Dev Tools

Chrome Dev Tools is a set of web developer tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser. It can help you edit pages on-the-fly and diagnose problems quickly, which ultimately helps you build better websites faster.


#4 Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free service offered by Google that helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google Search results. It provides tools for website owners to check indexing status and optimize the visibility of their websites.


#5 Screaming Frog


Screaming Frog is a website crawler that allows you to crawl websites’ URLs and fetch key elements to analyze and audit technical and onsite SEO. It’s a powerful tool for SEO audits.


#6 Datadoghq

Datadog is a monitoring and analytics platform that can help you get a comprehensive view of the performance of your website. It provides real-time data and detailed insights into your website’s performance.


#7 Gtmetrix.com

GTmetrix is a free tool that analyzes your website’s speed and performance. It provides actionable recommendations for optimizing your website and improving its speed.


#8 Pingdom.com

Pingdom offers cost-effective and reliable uptime and performance monitoring for your websites. It uses more than 70 global polling locations to test and verify your site’s performance.



A website performance audit is a comprehensive process that can significantly enhance your website’s performance and user experience. By identifying and rectifying issues, you can enhance user retention, optimize conversion rates, and gain a competitive advantage.

With the right tools and strategies, you can conduct an effective website performance audit.

A thorough website performance audit can help ensure your website operates at its very best. It is no longer a luxury but an indispensable tool for businesses striving to carve out their niche in the bustling digital scene.



Call to action
Ready to take your website performance to the next level? Let us help you conduct a comprehensive website performance audit for your project. We’ll provide you with the insights and strategies you need to achieve high website speed, great user experience, and high conversion rates. Take the first step towards having a high-performing website and reach out to us now.

Aleksander Furgal

Content Specialist



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