self-funding startup
Aleksander Furgal Updated: 16 Nov 2023 11 min to read

How Much Does It Cost to Build an MVP? Pricing Details & Practical Tips

2023 continues to underscore the importance of Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development as a key strategy for market entry and validation.

In today’s highly competitive market, both startups and established companies rely on MVPs to establish their unique position and test their business ideas with actual users.

Releasing a Minimum Viable Product is one of the biggest milestones on the journey of bringing a new product to market. The cost of creating an MVP in 2023 depends on various factors such as product complexity, technology stack, and the development methodology chosen.

Understanding the cost of MVP development and the factors behind it is more than a matter of finance – it allows for strategic planning and resource allocation in a landscape where competition is fierce and the window for market entry can be fleeting.

A well-planned budget ensures that the project stays within it without compromising on the essential features that will make the MVP viable. Additionally, it paves the way for securing funding, sustaining business operations, and setting the stage for future scalability. Let’s explore this avenue together.

What is an MVP? Why do you need it?

Building a Minimum Viable Product aligns with the principles of the Lean Startup methodology, which emphasizes the “Build-Measure-Learn” cycle. It’s about building the simplest working version of your idea.

An MVP is a functional and market-ready version of your product, reduced to its most essential features, but good enough to learn from and improve upon based on user feedback and data.

Below you can find key reasons for building an MVP. These reasons underscore the importance of MVP development in modern business strategies, offering a pragmatic approach toward product development and market entry.

  • Faster time to market: Bringing a product to the market swiftly is often a priority. An MVP requires less time for development and deployment, enabling you to introduce your product to the market at a quicker pace.
  • Cost efficiency: Developing an MVP is usually more cost-effective than creating a fully-featured product from the get-go. It allows for a lean budget approach, making it a financially prudent choice, especially for startups or projects with budget constraints.
  • Idea validation: An MVP provides a platform to validate your business idea. By creating a basic version of your product, you can test the core functionalities to ensure there’s a demand for it and it solves the intended problem.
  • User feedback: Collecting feedback from early adopters is invaluable. It allows you to understand user preferences, discover potential issues, and identify areas for improvement. This feedback is instrumental in making informed decisions for future development.
  • Product/market fit: Achieving a product/market fit is essential for success. An MVP helps in optimizing your product based on real-world user interactions, ensuring that the product aligns well with market demands.
  • Early marketing and customer acquisition: A Minimum Viable Product is not just a development milestone but also a marketing tool. It enables early marketing efforts and helps in acquiring initial customers who can turn into loyal users and brand advocates over time.
  • Data-driven decisions: The data collected through user interactions with the MVP can guide further development. It helps in making data-driven decisions, which are crucial for enhancing the product and ensuring its success in the market.
  • Risk mitigation: By focusing on developing an MVP first, before venturing into more complex software development, you create a safety cushion. It helps in mitigating risks associated with launching full-scale products without adequate market understanding.


# Why should you know the costs prior to MVP development?

Knowing the MVP cost is fundamental for a variety of reasons, especially if you are navigating the early stages of starting a business or launching a new product. It not only aids in navigating the financial landscape of your project but also in securing funding, making it a critical part of the pre-development phase.

Here are some of the most important reasons for why understanding the MVP development cost is crucial:

  • To set realistic budget expectations. Knowing the cost of building an MVP allows you to set a realistic budget, which is crucial for managing resources efficiently and avoiding unexpected financial hurdles down the line.
  • To ensure financial sustainability. MVP development is a cost-effective approach to product development, but it still requires a substantial investment. Having a clear picture of the costs involved will help you ensure that you have the funds necessary to sustain the development process until the MVP is ready for launch.
  • To secure funding. Many startups and projects rely on external funding from investors or grants. Having a well-defined budget for your Minimum Viable Product is essential when approaching potential investors. It not only showcases your thorough preparation but also gives investors a clear idea of the financial commitment required. Cost transparency can thus pave the way to attract investors by minimizing the perceived risks associated with your project.

Clear communication about the MVP app development cost is essential for building a strong relationship between clients and studios. Let’s clear up the misunderstanding that a low initial cost means a cost-effective venture: in truth, an MVP built with insufficient funds can result in a subpar product, unexpectedly increasing costs in later stages of improvement. We prioritize long-term success over short-term savings by guiding clients toward a strong, market-ready product that can withstand real-world testing. Paul Jackowski CEO, ASPER BROTHERS Let's Talk


The process of MVP development

Crafting an MVP demands a meticulous and broad-ranging process. The overarching goal is to translate a concept into a tangible product capable of delivering value to users while facilitating iterative improvements.

The essence of well-rounded MVP development lies in its thoroughness and the emphasis on continuous improvement. Each phase, from design to development and analysis, is intertwined and highly important for the eventual success of the MVP.

By adhering to a comprehensive process, you pave the way for a Minimum Viable Product that not only resonates with your target audience but also stands the test of time, allowing for future scalability and refinements.



The START phase is all about validating your product idea and turning it into a working prototype. It’s where you lay your strategic foundation and prepare to attract first investors.

Business planning

Before any technical work begins, it is crucial to establish a solid business plan. This involves defining the product’s purpose, features, functionality, and behavior, aligning the product team around the user’s problem, and ensuring that every step is taken with the product’s core value proposition in mind.

  • Deliverables: Product vision, Problem identification/solution proposal, Market research & market sizing, Competitor analysis & benchmarking, User personas, Unique Value Proposition, Basic regulatory environment analysis


Idea validation

Developing a successful MVP involves idea exploration and validation. It’s vital to repeatedly validate your idea against the market’s needs and potential users’ expectations. This step ensures that the product being developed is desirable and solves a real problem.

  • Deliverables: Qualitative studies with the target audience, Quantitative studies with the target audience, Product smoke testing



Creating prototypes is a crucial step in visualizing how the final product will look and function. This stage translates ideas into tangible forms that can be iterated upon based on feedback. Prototyping includes designing the MVP’s UX and UI, ensuring that the product is user-friendly and meets the market’s needs.

  • Deliverables: Core user journey map, User stories catalog, Core user journey interactive prototype, Usability test of the prototype, Prototype iterations


Architecting the technical solution

Once the business objectives are clear, the next step is designing the MVP architecture. This involves choosing a technology stack and defining the product’s technical framework in a way that supports its core features and allows for scalability.

  • Deliverables: Technical feasibility study, Tech stack design, Initial infrastructure design and costing, Initial Artificial Intelligence approach, Initial backend and frontend software design


# Investor starting package

For startups seeking funding, preparing an investor starting package is essential. This package should showcase the business plan, market analysis, prototype, and the validation of the idea, illustrating the product’s potential and how it addresses the target market’s needs.

  • Deliverables: Financial model with 3-year projections, Fundraising strategy, Pitch deck structure and design, Pitch deck graphic design, Pitching practice



The focus of the BUILD phase is on turning your validated idea into a tangible MVP. You continue to meticulously plan to meet market demands and investor expectations.

Technical rollout planning

This step involves planning the actual development and deployment phases, including setting timelines, deliverables, and milestones. It is where the groundwork is laid out for the front-end and back-end development phases.

  • Deliverables: Performance and scalability plan, Quality Assurance and testing plan, Security and compliance plan, Data strategy (collection, storage, data science), Disaster recovery plan, Business continuity plan, Infrastructure design, Backend software architecture, Frontend software architecture, API design


Frontend/backend development

The technical execution begins with building the MVP’s server-side and APIs (back-end), followed by developing the client side (front-end). This step translates the technical solution and prototypes into a working product that users can interact with.

  • Deliverables: High-fidelity UX/UI design, Functional prototype, Working MVP, User behavior analytics & engagement/conversion optimization


Product-market fit validation

The ultimate goal of an MVP is to achieve product-market fit. This requires iterative development, where the product is continuously improved based on user feedback. Testing the MVP in the market and refining it based on real-world use is essential to validate that the product meets the market’s needs and is poised for growth.

  • Deliverables: Top converting target audiences tests, Top converting media mix tests, Top converting messaging tests, Key Performance Indicators: Return On Ad Spend (ROAS), Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Average Conversion Rate (CR)


# Total MVP development cost

Each of these aspects is a critical component of the MVP development process. Investing in a meticulous development process ensures that every critical aspect of the MVP, from business planning to product-market fit validation, is executed with precision.

The cost of a successful and well-rounded MVP starts at around $60,000.

This initial investment helps in mitigating risks, maximizes the chances of achieving product-market fit, and sets the stage for scaling the product effectively in the long run. The cost spectrum for building an MVP is quite broad and it’s imperative to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each development option, aligning them with your project requirements, budget, and long-term goals to make an informed decision.

In the end, the MVP is an investment in the future of the product future and the sustainability of your business.


What affects the cost of MVP development?

MVP development cost can be influenced by a variety of factors. Understanding and carefully considering them will help you better estimate the cost of building your MVP, aligning it with your budget and project goals.

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors that play a significant role in determining your MVP cost:

  • Complexity level. A more complex MVP will require more development time, more sophisticated technology, and possibly a larger MVP app development team, all of which can significantly increase the MVP cost.
  • UI/UX design. The more intricate the design, the higher the MVP cost. It’s crucial to have clean-cut designs for developers to work efficiently, and any alterations in the design can also impact the cost.
  • Technology stack. The technology stack you choose when you build an MVP will have a direct impact on the cost. More popular or in-demand frameworks or languages may have higher associated costs.
  • Development team. The size and expertise of the development team are significant cost factors. Whether you choose to work with freelancers, an in-house team, or a startup development studio will have different MVP cost implications.
  • Development timeframe. A shorter MVP app development timeframe may require more resources or a larger team to meet the deadline, thereby increasing the cost​.
  • Number of features and their complexity. It’s wise to prioritize must-have core features for the initial launch and save additional MVP features for post-launch, to manage the cost effectively.
  • Idea validation and planning. Building an MVP often comes with pre-development processes like idea validation and planning which, while not part of the development per se, will require time and possibly financial resources, impacting the overall cost of the MVP project. However, a well-executed idea validation process can reduce the number of future product iterations, effectively lowering the overall development cost.


13 tips for increasing MVP quality and value

Creating a Minimum Viable Product is a delicate balance between offering enough value to attract users and controlling development costs to ensure financial feasibility.

Here are some strategies to enhance the quality and value of your MVP while maintaining a reasonable budget:

#1 Go for low-code/no-code development

Leverage low-code or no-code platforms to accelerate the development process. These platforms allow for rapid prototyping and iteration, enabling you to refine the MVP based on real user feedback without incurring high development costs.

#2 Leverage open-source libraries and frameworks

Utilize open-source libraries and frameworks to reduce development time and costs. They provide pre-built, tested solutions for common development challenges, allowing your team to focus on building unique features that add value to your MVP.

#3 Employ cloud-based development

Employ cloud-based development and hosting solutions to minimize upfront infrastructure costs and scale resources as needed based on user demand. This approach also facilitates easy collaboration among distributed development teams.

#4 Outsource MVP app development

Consider outsourcing MVP app development to a reputable firm, especially if it’s located in a region with lower labor costs. This can significantly reduce your development costs while ensuring your MVP is built to a high standard.

#5 Choose a skilled MVP development team

Invest in a skilled development team that has a track record of successfully delivering MVPs. A skilled team can help avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your MVP is built to a high standard of quality and value.

#6 Focus on the core value proposition

Center your MVP around a unique value proposition that solves a real problem for your target audience. Avoid overloading the MVP with features; instead, focus on delivering a simple, intuitive user experience that clearly demonstrates the value of your solution.

#7 Prioritize early testing and feedback collection

Incorporate early testing and continuous feedback collection into your development process. This will help you identify and prioritize areas for improvement, ensuring that you are continually enhancing the value of your MVP.

#8 Validate your market​

Conduct thorough market research to ensure that your MVP addresses a genuine market demand. Understanding your target audience and the problem you are solving will help you make informed decisions that enhance the value of your MVP.

#9 Focus on the user flow

Design your MVP with the user’s journey in mind. A well-thought-out user flow will help ensure a positive user experience, which in turn will enhance the perceived value of your MVP.

#10 Incorporate security measures

Implement security measures to protect user data and build trust with your audience. Security is a crucial aspect of any MVP, and neglecting it could have significant repercussions for both user trust and legal compliance.

#11 Highlight your brand identity

Ensure your MVP reflects your brand’s identity. Even though it’s a lean version of your final product, it should still communicate your brand’s values and aesthetics to build a strong foundation for user loyalty.

#12 Improve iteratively

Adopt an iterative approach to MVP development. Collect feedback, make improvements, and continuously measure your MVP’s performance to ensure it delivers increasing value over time.

#13 Test thoroughly

Implement a robust quality assurance process to identify bugs and ensure that your MVP functions as intended. A well-tested MVP is likely to offer a better user experience, which in turn enhances its value.



As the business landscape continues to evolve, the idea behind creating an MVP remains constant. This approach helps both startups and established companies during the ups and downs of the market. Our discussion on MVP development shows the way toward a strong starting point for continuous growth and adaptability, not just a basic product.

In the future, MVPs will break free from their typical limits. As Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Blockchain technologies expand, they create a new era where MVPs can test and improve innovative technologies. In addition, the interdependence between user feedback and the product development process will intensify thanks to advancements in data analytics and user experience design.

As a result, businesses must navigate a mixture of opportunities and obstacles in the road ahead. Having a good grasp of the MVP development process puts businesses in a better position to bring their product ideas to fruition while adjusting to the ever-changing market. As we move into a bright but challenging future, the lessons learned throughout the MVP development journey will serve as a guide for exploring unknown areas of innovation and cultivating a culture of responsible, forward-thinking, and user-centered product development.



Aleksander Furgal

Content Specialist



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